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Can't use ODBC on Linux - no error reported

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2022 5:39 pm
by benr_mc
I've posted this already on the Linux board, but no replies.

My first question is really whether anyone has succesfully accessed a database over ODBC on Linux?


I'm trying create a LiveCode app (currently using LC 9.6.6) to run on Linux (currently targeting Ubuntu 18) which needs to read from a database over ODBC.

I have a working ODBC connection, tested with isql.

When the LiveCode app executes revOpenDatabase however, it returns an empty string. Not a connection id; not an error message.

Two questions:
1) Has anyone else successfully accessed ODBC data source from LiveCode on Linux?
2) Is there some obscure console or other place I might look to see if there are any clues to what's happening, given that revOpenDatabase isn't returning any info?



Re: Can't use ODBC on Linux - no error reported

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2022 7:33 pm
by stam
No idea if it will help, but have you tried connecting inside a try/catch block? Might give more error info...

Re: Can't use ODBC on Linux - no error reported

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2022 7:54 pm
by benr_mc
Hi stam, thanks for replying.

Good idea but the whole function is in fact running inside a try-catch block, and unfortunately it doesn't throw any error - revOpenDatabae just returns an empty string.