What are the advantages of ON-Rev

Are you using LiveCode to create server scripts or CGIs?

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What are the advantages of ON-Rev

Post by mhoneywill » Thu Jul 28, 2011 5:41 pm


I'm new to LC and even newer to the Server technologies, RR recently posted an offer for Lifetime hosting at On-Rev for $499 which they have extended to the 31st July. I already have a licence for LC and LC server.

I would like to develop server side applications in the future, specifically on-line database applications, and I have a few questions of those more experienced people on this forum may be able to answer.

1. Am I correct in saying that On-Rev also includes a visual debugger that is not available in the standard server version? is this a really useful tool?
2. How easy is it to host multiple independent domains with an on-rev account? different clients (Charity websites in my application)
3. Does anyone know of any specific limitations with on-rev accounts, in respect to general web hosting.
4. I do like the idea that On-Rev should just work without setup worries.

I'm hoping in the future RunRev will provide some form of visual development environment to allow graphical web applications to be created easily and hosted on ON-Rev. Something like the effect promised by realbasic web edition. http://www.realsoftware.com/web/

Advantages of the hosting for life offer
- You would always have the latest version of LC server
- Good support?
- Easy setup

- More expensive than something like dreamhost ($8.99 mth) and uploading your own rev server. £499 equates to 4.5 years with Dreamhost.
- Difficult if you want to host multiple domains and keep them totally separate, with on-rev you only have one cpanel not one per domain, maybe this is not a problem but I'm new to this.

Please comment on any of my statements above, I'm just trying to see if the unlimited hosting offer seems like a good deal for me.

Thanks for your input


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