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externals.txt is missing when building standalone in >6.7.6

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 8:23 am
by Tiemo
I am using successfully three third party externals since years. Now, when building a standalone on Win 7 with LC 6.7.6 and above I get the following warning:
"Windows x86-32 external. No externals.txt config file found for myExternal"
The only externals.txt I know on my machine is in C:\Users\myUser\Documents\My LiveCode\Externals
I have three entries in this file, like: Valentina4,v4rev.dll
The two others are also from third party, one of them is that "myExternal" listed in the warning of the standalone build. The other one isn't listed in the warning. What could be missing, where else does the standalone builder looks for the externals.txt?
Any idea what is missing here?
Could this catch me up as an error in following releases and prevent me from building a standalone?