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Faq's for converting from HyperCard

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 11:27 am
by heatherlaine
Welcome to the Converting to Revolution forum!

Some handy hints to get you started:

To open your HyperCard stacks in Revolution, make sure you enable all file types in the open file dialog, so that you can select your stacks.

You will need Revolution Studio or Revolution Enterprise, Media does not support this feature.

Check out our webpage here: ... hypercard/

and Jaqueline Landman Gay's excellent step by step tutorial, here:

Warm regards


Advanced Hypercard conversion

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 3:17 pm
by talb3709

I have worked through the recommend tutorials on converting from HC to RV; congratulations to the authors for their big help, but I need more automation in the process. Essentially, I have 20 years of HC stacks to convert. As I filter down the list to essentials, it is on the order of 120 stacks. It appears to me a pre-processor run on HC stacks before they are converted to RV is needed. Essentially, I need to scan my stacks to build up a name list of function/command calls I have developed or XCMD/XFNC calls I have added so these names can be automatically changed to names that do not conflict with RV reserved names. For example, I have a FILES XFNC that will be replaced by RV's built-in FILES function but these two function calls are different and my HC script needs to be rewritten; I would like to do this one time, and then have my pre-processor automatically make this conversion on all future stacks I am converting. I also need to keep track of names in my home HC stack converted earlier as well as in the target stack I am converting at the moment. Due to RV's direct processing of calls, I can not trap them as they rise up the path, therefore I need to trap them before conversion by changing their names and putting in software stubs for the calls; something I would rather do before conversion rather then being driven by, and overloaded by, the RV error window (I lose overall context when dropped into low level code). I would rather have automatically generated punch out lists of things I have to work on instead of a hyperactive error window. I have two questions:

1) Has anyone developed applications to pre- or post-process HC stacks? I really do not want to reinvent the wheel here.

2) Is there a way for me to gain control over the RV conversion of HC stacks during the open stack sequence so I can augment and enhance this conversion? I would like to understand more about the conversion processor and how it functions.

Best regards,

Re: Advanced Hypercard conversion

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 6:48 pm
by FourthWorld
talb3709 wrote: 1) Has anyone developed applications to pre- or post-process HC stacks? I really do not want to reinvent the wheel here.
I don't know of one, but there are global search-and-replace tools available.
2) Is there a way for me to gain control over the RV conversion of HC stacks during the open stack sequence so I can augment and enhance this conversion? I would like to understand more about the conversion processor and how it functions.
The conversion Rev does is limited to the binary format of the stack. It simply reads the old format and reconstructs it in Rev's own format. It doesn't alter scripts at all, but it will alert you to token conflicts after the conversion is complete.