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Mark Smith
Posts: 179
Joined: Sat Apr 08, 2006 11:08 pm
Location: London, UK


Post by Mark Smith » Tue Oct 30, 2007 3:50 pm

LibBinConvert is a library that provides a wrapper around the binaryEncode and binaryDecode functions. It aims to provide descriptively named functions that are easier to remember than the cryptic format specifiers required by the binaryEncode/Decode functions.

It covers signed and unsigned integers of 1, 2 3, and 4 bytes, floats of 4, 8 and 10 (ieeeExtended) bytes, in either network (motorola/mac) byte-order or intel byte-order.

It also avoids bug 5315, where binaryDecode treats signed integers as unsigned on intel machines.

It also means you don't have to initialize a receiving variable for binaryDecode.

You can download it from:



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