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We're Funding LiveCode For the Web

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 4:24 pm
by heatherlaine
Dear forum members,

You told us we need to bring HTML5 Web Delivery to LiveCode. We listened:

We surveyed our entire user base and a massive 85% of you want HTML5 deployment, ASAP.Today we are launching the Crowd Funding Campaign to make it happen. This is a project for making LiveCode the complete app development solution that we all want, and to bring it to you faster. It’s a project to change the way we create and deliver apps.

If you want to see LiveCode deploying to the Web please get involved with the campaign. Pledge, donate, spread the word, tell your friends, tell your family, tell the postman... LiveCode needs YOU! This is the final frontier to making LiveCode the complete all round solution for app developers anywhere. No plugin, platform agnostic, run in any HTML5 capable browser.

Learn all about it here:

Warm Regards,


Heather Laine
Customer Services Manager

Re: We're Funding LiveCode For the Web

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 4:41 pm
by shawnblc
I definitely plan on contributing to this campaign, but here's my question.

Will those of us with a lifetime commercial license also get this version or will this be an upsell for us?

Re: We're Funding LiveCode For the Web

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 6:42 pm
by sefrojones
This is awesome news! I think this could have a huge impact on LC adoption. As a LC hobbyist who is not employed in the programming field, my "entertainment" budget is stretched a bit thin this year after summer school 1 and 2, but I will be pledging what I can to make this happen. :D

Re: We're Funding LiveCode For the Web

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 4:18 pm
by townsend
livecode.JPG (7.82 KiB) Viewed 22720 times
I think those who pledge and pay up front are supposed to be rewarded.
Looks like, if I pay $999 now, I get a 1 year Commercial license.
Does this mean the regular price for the HTML5 Commercial license will be at least $999?
If the total amount you're raising is supposed to cover the cost of development,
why so much? A clarification on this point could certainly move pledges along.

Re: We're Funding LiveCode For the Web

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 5:40 pm
by Mag
I think that I will participate in this campaign after I've seen the things that I hoped to see after the success of the first campaign.

What do I care if the engine has been completely redone if I can not create a decent app for OS X to be released in the store?
What interests me there is a new graphics engine if the graphics are still seen 90s style as before?
How to improve my work a new internal more advanced way to handle the code if I can not put basic features such as share and post on social network in my app?
Why do I need support of Cocoa if the controls are identical to the ones I had before?

Thank you, your goals for the future are great and I will surely partecipate, but I will do after I see the changes that I hoped one year ago.

OK, Ben has clarified my points ... -livecode/, now I am ready to participate in this new campaign.

Re: We're Funding LiveCode For the Web

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 6:18 pm
by shawnblc
Looking forward to LC7 and LC8. Future looking bright for LC.

Re: We're Funding LiveCode For the Web

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 6:32 pm
by emdalton
Excellent. :) I've been waiting for this for years!

In particular, I hope to be able to use this to develop a SCORM kit so educators can make interactive content that can be embedded in systems like Moodle. This would be a huge help. Most of the tools we have access to for this purpose are very expensive, difficult to use, or both.

Re: We're Funding LiveCode For the Web

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 9:34 pm
by dave.kilroy
Hi Townsend

You included a screenshot for one year of the LiveCode HTML5 commercial business licence - the pledge for one year of LiveCode Indy licence is $299

There are now different levels of LC licence, from Community to Indy to Business to Pro (or something roughly like that)

Kind regards


townsend wrote:
I think those who pledge and pay up front are supposed to be rewarded.
Looks like, if I pay $999 now, I get a 1 year Commercial license.
Does this mean the regular price for the HTML5 Commercial license will be at least $999?
If the total amount you're raising is supposed to cover the cost of development,
why so much? A clarification on this point could certainly move pledges along.

Re: We're Funding LiveCode For the Web

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 1:41 am
by Mag
Hi Dave, I think that Townsend is talking about the HTML5 license...

Re: We're Funding LiveCode For the Web

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 7:37 am
by dave.kilroy
Hi Mag

So am I - but I omitted the words "for HTML5" in exactly the wrong place - attached image will hopefully make things clear :)
Screen Shot 2014-07-03 at 07.31.25.png
Screen Shot 2014-07-03 at 07.31.25.png (20.52 KiB) Viewed 22628 times
Mag wrote:Hi Dave, I think that Townsend is talking about the HTML5 license...

Re: We're Funding LiveCode For the Web

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 3:36 pm
by townsend
Yes, I am certainly talking about the HTML5 license.

First off, I will definitely be pledging, no matter what.
I think the current licensing structure is excellent.
Right now, the main difference between the Indy and Business licenses
is the the amount of income one makes off their applications.
This is extremely fair and a proof, open source is working well.

I was just saying, if I knew that this HTML5 capability would be
part of the Indy license, I would be inclined to pledge MORE $$.

Re: We're Funding LiveCode For the Web

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 9:11 pm
by townsend
Success! I think this addresses my concern.
livecode.JPG (8.85 KiB) Viewed 22563 times

Re: We're Funding LiveCode For the Web

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 3:00 pm
by amthonyblack
First congratulations for looking ahead

I don't think I am quite understanding this though. HTML5 has become standard and is already integrated into app development in a number of tools. Why is this separate rather than a necessary later upgrade to keep pace with the industry? Live code is already billed as a server side (which is web based) tool as well. Doesn't that part of the product have to move forward (supported on onrev -if that is even working now)? Whats different about this implementation especially since it looks like to use it with an existing license will probably make it the most expensive IDE to license year after year? is this just for ease of going on with livecode without learning HTML5?

Re: We're Funding LiveCode For the Web

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 5:10 pm
by jacque
The answer is simple. Putting your stacks into a browser without the use of a plugin will require a LiveCode to javascript interpreter, which is a very large undertaking. RR is a small company and does not have the resources to do this without additional funding. The alternative is to wait until the current rewrite is complete and they can spare engineers for the work. That could take some time, and as you say, HTML5 is already a standard on the web. Waiting would put them farther behind.

But there's another piece that I think hasn't received enough attention, and that's the matching funds. They have a very limited amount of time to acquire that, and this campaign is important for that reason. Every contribution will actually count as double the amount you pledge. For that reason alone, participation is important because it will enable faster progress in more areas of development than just HTML5.

As for "just" ease of use, well of course. We love how we don't need to learn C to write our apps, or Javascript to write for Android, or Swift to write for iOS. Why wouldn't we also be happy to see LiveCode write HTML5 for us too? One click and you have apps for all platforms at once. What other program can do that?

I really hope everyone will pledge. This could be a breakthrough moment for us all in more ways than one. And there are some very good deals on licenses too, so you'd be getting that for your money besides .

Re: We're Funding LiveCode For the Web

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 4:11 am
by pthirkell
It was the prospect of match funding that really encouraged me to contribute more than I might have otherwise, given that my contributions are essentially a personal donation (for now at least). Like all good Scots (well half a Scot anyway; my mother was born in Glasgow) ... the prospect of doubling the impact of my investment is just too good a deal to let pass :) I hope in time to get some commercial benefit from my LC commitment, and getting HTML 5 capability sooner rather than later is an important part of that hope.