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[SourceCode] CardScaler for Retina<>NonRetina

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 6:11 pm
by seaniepie
Hi All,
I needed to write some code to convert a bunch of cards down from Retina size to Non-Retina. There was a lot of trial and error and I thought I'd save everyone else the time. I tend to create a separate card for my backup & dev scripts for each app. So I create a button on it that runs this code. It will ask what card and what scale and a suffix to add to the card name. I default to 3GS as the suffix.

Code: Select all

on duplicateCardScaled
   // I've not bothered to code in any scalers for gradients
   // Also can't affect the Geometry Object Limits
   -- Ask questions
   ask "Which Card?"
   if the result is "Cancel" or it is "" then
      exit to top
   end if
   if not exists(card it) then
      exit to top
   end if
   put it into tCardToCopy
   ask "New Name:" with tCardToCopy & "3GS"
   if the result is "Cancel" or it is "" then
      exit to top
   end if
   if exists(card it) then
      answer "That name already exists"
      exit to top
   end if
   put it into tCardNewName
   ask "Scale Factor (%)" with 50
   if the result is "Cancel" or it is "" then
      exit to top
   end if
   put it /100 into tCardScaleFactor
   -- Make a dupe of the card
   copy card tCardToCopy to this stack
   set the name of it to tCardNewName
   -- Adjust the Cards Settings
   set the textSize of it to round(the textSize of it * tCardScaleFactor)
   if the showBorder of it is true then
      set the borderWidth of it to round(the borderWidth of it /tCardScaleFactor)
   end if
   -- Find any BackgroundBehavior groups (that will need unlinking)
   repeat with tCtrlNum = 1 to the number of controls in card tCardNewName
      if word 1 of the name of control tCtrlNum of card tCardNewName is "group" then
         if the backgroundBehavior of control tCtrlNum of card tCardNewName is true then
            put the long id of control tCtrlNum of card tCardNewName & cr into tBGobjects
            copy control tCtrlNum of card tCardNewName to card tCardNewName
            set the backgroundBehavior of it to false
         end if
      end if
   end repeat
   -- remove the BGBehavior Groups from the copied card
   repeat for each line tBGBobject in tBGobjects
      if tBGBobject is not empty then
         remove tBGBobject from card tCardNewName
      end if
   end repeat
   -- Find the long ids of each object in the new card
   repeat with tCtrlNum = 1 to the number of controls in card tCardNewName
      put the long id of control tCtrlNum of card tCardNewName &tab& the loc of control tCtrlNum of card tCardNewName into line tCtrlNum of tObjects
   end repeat
   -- Scale them all down
   set the itemDel to tab
   repeat for each line tObjectAndLoc in tObjects
      scaleObject (item 1 of tObjectAndLoc),(item 2 of tObjectAndLoc), tCardScaleFactor
   end repeat
end duplicateCardScaled

on scaleObject pObject pOrigLoc pScaleFactor -- pObject MUST be the long name of the control
   -- SIZE
   set the width of pObject to round(the width of pObject * pScaleFactor)
   set the height of pObject to round(the height of pObject * pScaleFactor)
   -- SHADOW
   if the dropShadow of pObject is true then
      set the dropShadow["spread"] of pObject to round(the dropShadow["spread"] of pObject * pScaleFactor)
      set the dropShadow["size"] of pObject to round(the dropShadow["size"] of pObject * pScaleFactor)
      set the dropShadow["distance"] of pObject to round(the dropShadow["distance"] of pObject * pScaleFactor)
   end if
   if the innerShadow of pObject is true then
      set the innerShadow["spread"] of pObject to round(the innerShadow["spread"] of pObject * pScaleFactor)
      set the innerShadow["size"] of pObject to round(the innerShadow["size"] of pObject * pScaleFactor)
      set the innerShadow["distance"] of pObject to round(the innerShadow["distance"] of pObject * pScaleFactor)
   end if
   -- GLOW
   if the innerGlow of pObject is true then
      set the innerGlow["spread"] of pObject to round(the innerGlow["spread"] of pObject * pScaleFactor)
      set the innerGlow["size"] of pObject to round(the innerGlow["size"] of pObject * pScaleFactor)
   end if
   if the outerGlow of pObject is true then
      set the outerGlow["spread"] of pObject to round(the outerGlow["spread"] of pObject * pScaleFactor)
      set the outerGlow["size"] of pObject to round(the outerGlow["size"] of pObject * pScaleFactor)
   end if
   -- GROUP
   if (word 1 of the name of pObject) is "group" then
      set the borderWidth of pObject to round(the borderWidth of pObject * pScaleFactor)
      set the scrollbarWidth of pObject to round(the scrollbarWidth of pObject * pScaleFactor)
      -- FIELD
   else if (word 1 of the name of pObject) is "field" then
      -- set the margins of pObject to round(the margins of pObject * pScaleFactor)
      set the textSize of pObject to round(the textSize of pObject * pScaleFactor)
      set the textHeight of pObject to round(the textHeight of pObject * pScaleFactor)
      if the borderWidth of pObject > 1 then
         set the borderWidth of pObject to round(the borderWidth of pObject * pScaleFactor)
      end if
      -- IMAGE
   else if (word 1 of the name of pObject) is "image" then
      set the borderWidth of pObject to round(the borderWidth of pObject * pScaleFactor)
      -- GRAPHIC
   else if (word 1 of the name of pObject) is "graphic" then
      set the lineSize of pObject to round(the lineSize of pObject * pScaleFactor)
         set the roundRadius of pObject to round(the roundRadius of pObject * pScaleFactor)
      end try
      -- BUTTON
   else if (word 1 of the name of pObject) is "button" then
      if the borderWidth of pObject > 1 then
         set the borderWidth of pObject to round(the borderWidth of pObject * pScaleFactor)
      end if
      if the shadowOffset of pObject > 1 then
         set the shadowOffset of pObject to round(the shadowOffset of pObject * pScaleFactor)
      end if
      -- SCROLLBAR
   else if (word 1 of the name of pObject) is "scrollbar" then
      -- Nothing
      -- PLAYER
   else if (word 1 of the name of pObject) is "player" then
      -- Nothing
   end if
   set the loc of pObject to (round(item 1 of pOrigLoc * pScaleFactor)), (round(item 2 of pOrigLoc * pScaleFactor))
end scaleObject
Hope this works out to be useful to at least a few of you. Modify as you see fit - It's a good starting block at least. Copyright and royalty free.

All the best
Sean (Mr Pi)
Pi Digital

Re: [SourceCode] CardScaler for Retina<>NonRetina

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 9:44 pm
by endernafi
Hi Sean,

Nice piece of code.
I just wanted to thank you.


~ Ender Nafi

Re: [SourceCode] CardScaler for Retina<>NonRetina

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 7:13 am
by Youks
Thank You for sharing Sean!!! :D

Re: [SourceCode] CardScaler for Retina<>NonRetina

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 3:22 pm
by dave.kilroy
Sean this looks great - not only nice code but a clever approach to the screen size / pixel density conundrum - nice work! :)