Not really back.
I'm taking the summer off to paint the house.
I've got a few minutes before we have to leave for the next Christmas gathering.
I thought I might see how much I've forgotten about LiveCode with a quick app.
My daughter Tatiana needs a lot of chauffeuring to and from gatherings.
Dropping off is easy.
But pickups are a bit volitile.
I don't go into the gatherings so as not to embarrass her or put pressure on her to leave.
When I get into the car I'll SMS her that I am on my way so she can start her good-byes.
When I'm a block or two away I'll SMS her that I'm here so she will come out straight away.
I'm hoping my QuickCalls app will help with these repettive, mundane, and distracting tasks.
There is a sample of how to fire a mobile phone call from the summer academy TickedOff project:
Code: Select all
on mouseUp
-- put field "number" into tNumber
put "xxxx xxx xxx" into tNumber
launch url "tel:" & tNumber
end mouseUp
I can't seem to find a way to fire the SMS app.
Anyone know how to sms from LiveCode for Android?
I'm thinking since it wasn't in the TickedOff sample that LiveCode can't do it.
Any positive constructive suggestions would be greatly appreciated.