Android Pre-Launch Report: should I be concerned?

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Android Pre-Launch Report: should I be concerned?

Post by trevix » Sat Nov 28, 2020 11:58 am

After uploading my App to the Google Play Console, I have a bunch of warnings on several devices.

1 - Accessibility: content labeling: unreadable by screen reader
2 - height of input field less then 48 Pt (! wow)

I tried to enable TalkBack on the device (Google suggestion to see if th screen reader can read my labels) but it doesn't work: the all window get selected, no matter the size of the label.

Beside that, I've got a Crash on Motorola Moto e5 Android 8.1. Crash data are meaningless to me so I guess my only choice is to exclude the device?

The point is: how should I interpret the Google Pre-Launch report for a LC App? Disregard them all (LC is a different beast)? Follow the suggestions for bigger input fields and also bigger labels? Force the test black on white background?
Is there some LC lesson that talks about this?

PS The App works fine on the few hardware devices i own.
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Re: Android Pre-Launch Report: should I be concerned?

Post by jacque » Sat Nov 28, 2020 10:37 pm

If the notice says something about warnings that you may want to address in future updates, then you can ignore them. I wonder what your app does though, since I've never seen either of those.
Jacqueline Landman Gay | jacque at hyperactivesw dot com
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Re: Android Pre-Launch Report: should I be concerned?

Post by trevix » Sun Nov 29, 2020 10:25 am

On first opening, my App display the following screen:
- language choice
- registration
- login
- change of password

First, let me say that all the reports concern "Accessibility". I guess that this regards visual unpaired users and, being my App a Sport App, probably i can disregard them. Is this correct?

Second, the (automatic) Pre-Launch robot, never went past my "registration" (I don't know if it is possibile to instruct the robot how to handle this in a LC App).

The robot just click here and there, ending to the password change screen (where it report the input fields being less then 45 Pt.
See the following screen shots:
Schermata 2020-11-29 alle 10.07.54.png
Schermata 2020-11-29 alle 10.06.37.png
Schermata 2020-11-29 alle 10.03.51.png
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Re: Android Pre-Launch Report: should I be concerned?

Post by jacque » Sun Nov 29, 2020 11:16 pm

I suspect the warnings were caused by trying to implement TalkBack which is specifically designed for sight-impaired users. Disable or undo that and I think the warnings will go away. If it involved editing the manifest, revert to using the default LC manifest. If you selected any of the Requirements and Restrictions in standalone settings, paricularly fake touch, uncheck them.

The warnings are just recommendations and you can ignore them, but unless you can remove TalkBack they will appear again on every update. There is no way to instruct the auto-review to look at any particular thing in the app.
Jacqueline Landman Gay | jacque at hyperactivesw dot com
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Re: Android Pre-Launch Report: should I be concerned?

Post by trevix » Mon Nov 30, 2020 6:02 pm

Talkback is not enabled on my App (I didn't even know that it was possible to enable it in LC).
I think that this is part of the Google robot exploration. To determine if the App is correctly done, TalkBack is used to find out if a label or field is correct.
If it can't read it, it display the alerts.

My question is: does the auto-review recognise the LC fields and labels?
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Re: Android Pre-Launch Report: should I be concerned?

Post by jacque » Mon Nov 30, 2020 6:51 pm

Okay, I thought you said you were trying to enable Talkback. I've submitted several Android apps and never seen those warnings, so LC fields aren't a problem. It sounds like something in your app makes the review process think the app uses Accessibility features.

Did you select any of the Requirements and Restrictions in standalone settings? Have you modified the manifest? If not, I'd just ignore the warnings.

I usually make my buttons and field text somewhat larger, so maybe I'd get the same warnings if I didn't. There are recommended sizes in the Android HIG to accommodate mobile displays with high resolution and I try to follow those.
Jacqueline Landman Gay | jacque at hyperactivesw dot com
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Re: Android Pre-Launch Report: should I be concerned?

Post by okk » Wed Apr 14, 2021 10:57 am

I have the same warning in the Pre-launch Report. The report is not very specific. It just says: "This item may not have a label readable by screen readers" My guess is that it complains about that I use some svg-widgets that don't have a label. In any case, how would I add a label to a svg-widget that would be readable by screen-readers? Do you think this warning - if unaddressed - could lead to problems with the store submission? Did @trevix had any issues with submitting to the store despite the warnings?

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Re: Android Pre-Launch Report: should I be concerned?

Post by trevix » Wed Apr 14, 2021 11:27 am

Up to now I've ignored everything and I am regularly updating the App in the Google Play store.
But recently I've got new warnings, so the list is increasing. Uh!
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Re: Android Pre-Launch Report: should I be concerned?

Post by okk » Wed Apr 14, 2021 12:55 pm

Hi and thanks for the quick reply. My app is not exactly useful for visually impaired persons, so I might ignore the warning. But still the reports and the recommended actions given by google are often rather cryptic, I mostly have no idea how to address them with Livecode. When I orginally used the browser widget in my app I got tons of warnings, I left the browser widget out eventually, now the only warning is about accessibility. Best. oliver

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