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LCU 1.3.2 still buggy!

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 5:19 pm
by keram

I'm posting this here instead of mailing to Devin directly just to see if others also have the same problems with LCU 1.3.2. running on Win 7 64 bit.

1) It is still asking for registration credentials (not log in but the key user name and license number), it's happening very often when opening the app.

2) It's showing automatically at the start that updates are available. Fine, why not. But it fails at the end of the update. After running the update for 1 hour on a slow internet connection and having downloaded 33 MB of files a message came up saying: "Unable to create database cursor on resource table query. Lost connection to MySQL server during query." Such a waste of time!

Suggestion: add in the Updating Resources dialog the total size of the files that are going to be updated and if possible a progress bar plus Cancel button.
If the size is biggish then one can at least cancel the update and download the file for offline update that can be resumed. Otherwise the whole procedure as it is now is very frustrating.

Thanks Devin if you can fix it.


Re: LCU 1.3.2 still buggy!

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 7:37 pm
by asayd

I think I have found the cause of one of these issues. The content updates are based on date-time stamps in the LCU online content database, as compared against the date-time stamps in the local user database. If the DT stamp for the content resources on the online database is newer than the DT stamp for the corresponding item in the local database, the resource is flagged as needing update.

It turns out that when I initially set up the online database that the DT stamp for the content items was set to exactly 7 hours ahead of the DT stamp in the local database. This is obviously a time-zone offset effect due to the server being in a different time zone from me. The LCU application ships with a local database whose content DT stamps are all "older" than those in the master online database. So the content update check always generates a need to update for ALL of the content materials.

My plan is to carefully synchronize the online databases to the local one so that these false "need-to-update" requests are no longer needed. It may be that after I do this there may need to be one more big update, but it should fix the long term problem.

I'm still puzzling over the issue where you are frequently asked for registration information. It may be related to file permissions problems on Windows.



Re: LCU 1.3.2 still buggy!

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 12:43 am
by keram
Hi Devin,

Thanks for looking into it again.
asayd wrote:The LCU application ships with a local database whose content DT stamps are all "older" than those in the master online database. So the content update check always generates a need to update for ALL of the content materials.
But I updated 2-3 times in the past with the offline file and so the content should have been newer than in the master db, shouldn't it?

Also when starting the update it often shows network status as being "off-line" when actually I'm connected to internet. Slow connection, about 10-20 KB/s but it's there. Then after a minute or two it hangs up.

I really think that my suggestion above will help - it's good to see what's going on when updating and to be able to cancel it.



Re: LCU 1.3.2 still buggy!

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 5:00 pm
by asayd
Hi keram,
keram wrote:But I updated 2-3 times in the past with the offline file and so the content should have been newer than in the master db, shouldn't it?
So, that was actually part of the problem. You see, when you do the offline update, you are downloading the newest copy of the full, local (sqlite) database, which is generated from the online (mysql) master, which always has the latest copies of everything. What I realized recently is that last summer when I cloned the master to support the new LCU users, I did a data dump from the master, then imported the records using SQL statements into the new databases on the on-rev server. At that time all of the date-time stamps for content materials were converted to the local time of the on-rev server. The converted times were later than the original times on the master server. When I sync the on-rev "slave" database to my server here only the records on the master server whose time stamps are newer than the ones on the slave server get updated. So the vast majority of content records on the slave server always had a "newer" time stamp than those on the master server.

Here's the where the problem arises: When I generate the full-content sqlite database file, I do it from my master here at BYU. Users download that, and soon thereafter LCU queries the on-rev server and compares date-time stamps of local vs. online records. At that point, because of the converted DT stamps, the vast majority of records indicate as needing to be updated, so nearly the entire contents is synched to the local database from on-rev. If, as in your case, you later re-download the full contents (sqlite) file, the cycle repeats itself.

The good news is that I have now synchronized the date-time stamps between the master and slave server, so that there should be no mismatches and no unnecessary downloads. I am hopeful that this will prevent the problem you have been having with slow downloads. If it doesn't I will certainly look at your suggestion (and it might be good to implement it regardless.)

Thanks again for all your feedback.

