Intersect - Again

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Intersect - Again

Post by Peacfulrvr » Mon Dec 08, 2014 10:53 pm

I have asked about the intersect command before and got a bunch of help (thanks so much sefrojones). But I am having trouble with it still on a different card. On most of my game a hand comes down from the top and tries to grab a phone on the bottom of the screen. If the user moves the hand out of the way a point is added and when they get 5 pts they move to the next level. If there is a collision between the grabbing hand and the phone then they lose and go to the last screen.

In this level it is a rapid fire round. they keep amassing points until they lose. trouble is the intersect works on all the other cards but not this one. I have rewritten the code, copied working cards and modified them and still can't make it work.

If the user moves and the intersect occurs the collision is detected. If the user does not move the phone and an intersect occurs the collision is NOT detected. I can leave the phone in one place and the collision is never detected and the loop continues forever.

If anyone could help I would appreciate it.

Local sGrabbing
Local sTime1
Local sTime2
global gFScore

on preOpenCard
global gname
put 0 into field "finalscore" of last card
show field "ptsneeded"
hide image "funbegins.gif"
hide image "3.gif"
hide image "2.gif"
hide image "1.gif"
put 30 into field "score"
put true into sGrabbing
put "3" into sTime1
put "3.1" into sTime2
set the sRunning of this cd to true
set the location of image "rthand1.gif" to -37, -303
set the location of image "lfthand2.gif" to 770, -309
set the location of image "phone.gif" to 320, 509
set the sRunning of this cd to "true"
end preOpenCard

on arrowkey pDirection
movephone pDirection
hide field "ptsneeded"
end arrowkey

command confiscated
if intersect(image"rthand1.gif",image"phone.gif","pixels")
then go to last card
else if intersect(image"lfthand2.gif",image"phone.gif","pixels")
then go to last card
if the sRunning of this cd is true then send confiscated to me in 2 ticks

end confiscated

command movephone pDirection
if pDirection is "right" then
set the right of image "phone.gif" to the right of image "phone.gif" +60
if right of the image "phone.gif" >800 then
set the right of image "phone.gif" to 800
end if

else if pDirection is "left" then
set the left of image "phone.gif" to the left of image "phone.gif" -60
if left of the image "phone.gif" <-120 then
set the left of image "phone.gif" to -120
end if
end if
end movephone

On moveobj
if sGrabbing then
put random(2) into vHand
if vHand is 1 then
move image ("rthand1.gif") to the points of graphic ("rtPath"&random(2)) in sTime1 second
move image ("lfthand2.gif") to the points of graphic ("lftPath"&random(2)) in sTime1 second
end if
send "moveobj" to me in sTime2 seconds
add 1 to field "score"
add -.2 to sTime1
add -.2 to sTime2
end if

set the sRunning of this cd to false

end moveobj

on closecard
set the sRunning of this cd to false
add field "score" to field "finalscore" of last card
end closecard

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Re: Intersect - Again

Post by sefrojones » Mon Dec 08, 2014 11:09 pm

It looks like the if/then statements are not set up properly in your "confiscated" handler. Maybe something like this will work:

Code: Select all

command confiscated
   if intersect(image"rthand1.gif",image"phone.gif","pixels") then 
      go to last card
      exit confiscated
   end if
      if intersect(image"lfthand2.gif",image"phone.gif","pixels") then 
         go to last card
         exit confiscated
      end if
      if the sRunning of this cd is true then send confiscated to me in 2 ticks
End Confiscated

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Re: Intersect - Again

Post by SparkOut » Tue Dec 09, 2014 1:00 am

Your if then statements are a bit mangled with missing end if closures but I think the problem may be that in every iteration of the moveobj handler you set the sRunning to false, so the confiscated handler will not then iterate again.

Posts: 34
Joined: Mon Nov 03, 2014 7:11 pm

Re: Intersect - Again

Post by Peacfulrvr » Tue Dec 09, 2014 2:20 am

Thanks I will see if that helps

Posts: 34
Joined: Mon Nov 03, 2014 7:11 pm

Re: Intersect - Again (solved)

Post by Peacfulrvr » Tue Dec 09, 2014 2:44 am

Excellent! Thanks so much. I cleaned up the if/then statements and removed the extra "set the sRunning of this cd to false" and is works now.

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