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Empty application folder upon build

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2024 1:37 pm
by oldummy
I have been modifying my stack a little, and somewhere along the line I have inadvertently misclicked and added something to my stackfiles that has the caused the app builder to create an empty folder when I try to build it.
I evidently click something wrong on the tools pallette.

on the standalone application settings I see:
"Data Grid Templates" and a string of numbers nestled between my two stack files.

When I highlight it and try to remove that stack file I get the message:
"The standalone mainstack can not be removed from the application."
Both stacks involved are just individual stacks,neither is a substack of the other.
I have backups of my stacks so it is not a real problem, but I am curious.
I appreciate any enlightenment with this.

Re: Empty application folder upon build

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2024 2:02 pm
by Klaus
Hi oldummy,

sound like you checked:
-> Move substacks to individual files
and maybe
-> -> Create folder for stackfiles
on the "Stacks" card of the "Standalone Application Settings..."
Ususally this stack "Datagrid Templates xxxxxxxxxx" will be created as a substack of the mainstack where you create a datagrid in.
So please check if this is the case here and report back.

BTW what is the empty folder named?



Re: Empty application folder upon build

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2024 8:55 am
by oldummy
First,thanks for the reply.
The app folder that was empty was just named jukebox, no .exe or app in the name, No windows reserved folder name either,( had an experience with that problem).
It turned out you were right again. There was a substack listed with in there. I deleted it and all should work well.
Thanks yet again.

Re: Empty application folder upon build

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2024 10:04 am
by Klaus
Glad I could help!