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using icons for a file menu instead of data grid ???

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 5:11 am
by pTom
Hi guys, for the tablet version of my app, I am experimenting with creating a menu of files using floating icons instead of the data grid "menu list" (similar to what you see when you look at the home screen on your iPad or Android tablet). I have seen a number of apps do this for the tablet versions of their app instead of using the data grid menu list appearance.

I have been searching around for how to get started doing something like this but am at a loss. Any ideas on how to direct me?

Thanks for your help!

Re: using icons for a file menu instead of data grid ???

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 5:39 am
by Simon

Re: using icons for a file menu instead of data grid ???

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 3:40 am
by pTom
Thanks, Simon! I am using the scroller in Livecode instead of the carousel in mobGUI. A followup question...
I am using this to create a menu of selectable images. When a user clicks on an image, they will be taken to another card which will show a video. And then they will be able to return to this "image menu" card when they are finished watching the video by clicking on a "back" button. Here is my question:
Is there any easy way to associate the appropriate video url (which is on my Livecode server) with the image that they are clicking on?
*I suppose you should know the image menu is created dynamically each time the person goes to the card since there will be an ever growing menu of options which they can click on

Any thoughts? Your help is greatly appreciated!


Re: using icons for a file menu instead of data grid ???

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 3:54 am
by Simon
Hi Tom,
I'm thinking an easy way would be to name the images the last part of the URL e.g. (maybe .html) would be "theGoodVid"
then the script of the group (all images are in a group) would be

Code: Select all

on mouseUp
put the short name of the target into tName
put "" & tName & ".flv" into gURL
go cd 2
end mouseUp
untested... hmmm I see that you may have to download the image as theGoodVid.png so remove the png
gURL would be a global

How does that sound?
