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Am I screwed? iOS 16.6 and livecode

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 8:50 am
by bbalmerTotalFluency

Running LC My iPad, which I am trying to connect to my computer so I can install my app I am developing, has worked its way up to 16.6 while I have not been paying attention (my fault, I know. I had left auto-update on without realising).

Xcode 14.1 won't talk to iOS 16.6 and Xcode 14.3 won't talk to livecode.


I MAY have a solution. I'm building with 14.2. I'm putting it on my phone with xCode 15 beta. Not that I have succeeded yet, but I think there is some problem with certificates. But at least Xcode is connecting to my device - which is progress. So in case this helps anyone else. This MAY be a solution

Re: Am I screwed? iOS 16.6 and livecode

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2023 5:55 pm
by PBH
It is possible, I can build with both LC 9.6.9 and LC 10.0.0-dp5 using Xcode 14.2, then upload to iPhone and iPad, both running on iOS16.6 while using Xcode 14.2 or 14.3.1 just for the upload.

My advice would be to make sure your Apple Developer account is fully up-to-date, including the list of registered devices, profiles, identifiers and certificates. I usually do my best to remove any outdated or expired data, but that's not always possible and just adds to the confusion. Also remove any expired certificates from your Mac using Keychain. Not too sure if it's necessary, but I also ensured each version of Xcode has the correct Command Line Tools installed, you can check under Settings > Locations.

I'm using Xcode 14.2 on an iMac, but also have Xcode 14.3.1 on a MacBook Pro, they both work fine with either iOS device to upload LC made apps, however, I can only build LC apps using Xcode 14.2, LC doesn't recognise Xcode 14.3.1 just yet.

I do feel your pain, I went through the same a couple of months ago when my old iPhone finally expired and I replaced it with a new one. Clearing out old data and adding date codes to the names of new profiles and identifiers helped me to stay on track. It's a big relief when you do get it working, I hope you do.

Re: Am I screwed? iOS 16.6 and livecode

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2023 6:45 am
by bbalmerTotalFluency
Thank you PBH. That is what I needed to know and I appreciate the encouragement.

Re: Am I screwed? iOS 16.6 and livecode

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2024 10:16 am
by stam
Yeahhhhhhh.... it should be forbidden to enter a website as user location.

Screenshot 2024-03-21 at 09.16.57.png

Ignoring the inane advice, this is clearly spam with a new way of entering a URL even with 1 post.
Is it possible to setup the phpBB system to not allow URLs or html as user location?