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Re: Can't save stack issue

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2023 3:54 pm
by CAsba
WAS functional, no longer working - it appears to save, but on opening the file the unsaved version runs !

Re: Can't save stack issue

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2023 4:20 pm
by dunbarx

I am confused. Are you saying that a stack is having this problem in the IDE? That if you modify that stack and save, the changes are not saved at all? And that the only way to save those changes is to "Save as" to a new stack file?

Here is something. If you "Save as..." you are creating a new stack file. I assume (hope) you are renaming that stack file. But know that the stack itself will have the same name unless you change that as well. Have you been changing both?


Re: Can't save stack issue

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2023 4:44 pm
by dunbarx

In other words, there are two separate "things" we must deal with. First is the stack file, which is a file on your computer. The "stack" is the LiveCode object that you actually work on, adding buttons, changing colors and saving now and then.

But if you "Save as..." you are only creating a new stack file with the very same stack as its "child". It will be an exact copy of whatever you had when you did that.

Does this help?
